
Accessvia Business Intelligence Dashboards

AccessVia Business Intelligence Dashboards give retail executives a view into in-store performance. Our systems capture critical information about the execution of product promotion activities so that you can measure the effectiveness of your programs.

AccessVia Business Intelligence Dashboards give retail executives a view into in-store performance. Our systems capture critical information about the execution of product promotion activities so that you can measure the effectiveness of your programs. The key information is insight into patterns and the ability to forecast print volumes so that all your systems — IT, supplies, and sales — are ready for increased or decreased volume before it occurs.

  • Retail management provides a clear view of printing compliance and acts in anticipation of a store not fulfilling promotion requirements.
  • Store user activity tracking allows for oversight into possible employee theft from printing a sign with an incorrectly lowered price.
  • Active and historical usage activity can help manage the server and systems running the publishing platform.

Analytics Dashboard

AccessVia Analytics Dashboard, currently in development, provides a critical view for retail management into the Publishing Platform system. Executives can now see when a store has printed a batch and be alerted when batches are not printed on time. Other statistics — such as how many ad-hoc signs are printed and whether prices or other data are being changed -— allow for oversight and management. Insight into system performance, usage patterns, and user behavior will allow for improvements to occur before they are needed.

Key features:

  • The ability to measure and anticipate changes to print volume.
  • Color-coded high-level view provides a "red light / green light" understanding of store compliance and system performance.
  • The ability to react to system loads and manage the server operations — before a problem develops.
  • Display of the relative threshold attributed to the print time and print size ratios.
  • Display of the average print time for all stores.
  • Display of the average batch print size for all stores.
  • Details available on drill-down.
  • The Printing Performance report is a grid that displays critical metrics on store printing performance including the duration between delivery of batch and print of batch, the duration from effective date and print date, the number batches edited prior to print, the number of ad hoc prints, and the percent of batches expired or will expire in one day.
  • Automatic email delivery with a summation of user activity.
  • Zoom control allows for easy viewing of detailed data.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboard

Each organization has a unique way to measure success. Our KPI Dashboard identifies your unique measurement points. These features can be integrated with the Analytics Dashboard, integrated with another analytics application, or delivered as a stand-alone Dashboard interface.


  • Requirements / planning documents
  • Specification documents
  • Application